AE(Adverse event)
An adverse drug event is an adverse clinical event that occurs during the course of drug therapy, which is not necessarily causally related to the drug. Medical device adverse event is any harmful event that occurs under normal use of an approved and qualified medical device that causes or may cause harm to humans that is not related to the intended use of the medical device.
An existing product that is considered comparable to a product that is still in development. Simulation data is used to predict likely future performance.
Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning (AI)
A major goal of AI research is to enable machines to perform complex tasks that normally require human intelligence to perform. Examples include speech recognition, decision making, and translation between languages.
A molecule or compound that has been identified during research and development as potentially beneficial for the treatment of a disease.
ATU (Awareness, Trials and Utilization Studies)
A quantitative study to measure awareness, trial and product use of a product category and/or brand by healthcare practitioners.
Behavioral science/economics
The study of the influence of psychological and behavioral factors on human decision making. Aims to better understand human decision making in real-world settings and its impact on the economy. Behavioral economics attempts to understand the emotional or inherent biases that lead people to make seemingly irrational and suboptimal decisions from an economic perspective.
budget impact analysis
A measure of the budgetary impact of the introduction of a technology or service (e.g., adding a new drug to the formulary) on government or agency funds.
Various forms of biological agents that are made from various types of carbon-based organisms with medical research value and are manufactured using traditional or modern biotechnology to act on various physiological symptoms of the human body for prevention (health care), treatment, and diagnosis are collectively referred to as biological agents. Biologics include recombinant proteins, tissues, genes, allergens, cells, blood components, blood and vaccines.
For disease research, a biomarker is generally a characteristic biochemical indicator of a common physiological or pathological or therapeutic process that can be objectively measured and evaluated, and whose measurement allows to be informed about the current course of the biological process in which the organism is involved. The examination of a disease-specific biomarker may be useful for the identification, early diagnosis and monitoring of the disease in the course of prevention and treatment.
Generic drugs are alternative medicines with the same active ingredients, dosage forms, routes of administration and therapeutic effects as the original drug, which have important economic and social benefits such as reducing medical expenditures, improving access to medicines and enhancing medical services. According to the relevant documents of the FDA, generic drugs that can be approved by the FDA must meet the following conditions: they contain the same active ingredients as the generic product, of which the inactive ingredients can be different; they have the same indications, dosage forms, specifications and routes of administration as the generic product; they are bioequivalent; they meet the same quality requirements; and they are manufactured under the same strict GMP standards as the generic product.
Best-selling drugs
A drug that generates at least $1 billion in annual sales for the selling company.
Clinical Trial
Refers to any systematic study of a drug in humans (patients or healthy volunteers) to confirm or reveal the action, adverse effects and/or absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of the test drug, with the aim of determining the efficacy and safety of the test drug. Clinical trials are generally classified as Phase I, II, III, IV clinical trials and EAP clinical trials.
Cluster Analysis
A measure of the budgetary impact of the introduction of a technology or service (e.g., adding a new drug to the formulary) on government or agency funds.A way of classifying respondents into groups based on their common characteristics. Clustering is a process of classifying data into different classes or clusters in such a way that objects in the same cluster have great similarity, while objects between different clusters have great dissimilarity.
The process of converting textual responses into a series of digital forms for analysis.
Commercialization, or marketization, is the act of making a profit as its basic essence. It refers to bringing a product or thing to market to make it commercially or marketable. Broadly defined, the act of commercialization includes production, distribution, marketing, sales, customer support, and other functions critical to achieving commercial success for a new product or service.
Conjoint Analysis
A statistical technique, conjoint analysis is a quantitative measure that determines which combination of attributes is most influential in a respondent's choice or decision.
Continuous or Longitudinal Study
A study conducted on the same group of respondents over a period of time to assess changes in behavior.
Data Visualization
The practice of converting data from raw numbers to graphical representations, such as graphs, maps, charts, and complex dashboards.
Demand Assessment
Understand how much demand consumers have for a product or service.
Discriminant Analysis
is a statistical discriminant and grouping technique that uses responses to a set of questions to predict membership in a group. The output can be used to assign future respondents to the same group using their responses to the same set of questions (typing tool).